Parent/Guardian State-Wide Assessment Participation and Refusal Form

24-25 Testing Schedule 

Students at Glenville-Emmons are tested regularly to measure their academic growth and to ensure we meeting students needs.  Some of the tests offered are:
  • Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA)
  • IXL  Testing
  • ASVAB (Juniors)
  • ACT (Juniors and Seniors)
You may elect not to have your child(ren) participate in state-required standardized assessments, but you must complete the Minnesota Department of Educations Opt-Out forms and return them to the Building Principal.

For districtwide testing results and for schools across the State of Minnesota please use the link below to view the Minnesota Report Card:

For questions and/or additional information, please contact the District Assessment Coordinator, Carma Pederson at