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Frequent Terms and Acronyms used in Special Education
TERMS Accommodation - allows the student to do the same work as the regular education students with a change (e.g., taking tests in a quiet room) that helps them to be more successful. This change does not change the rigor of the material being taught Adaptations - a part of the IEP that document aids and resources that meet individual needs of students for example; transportation, paraprofessional, support and assistive technology materials Assistive Technology Device - any item, piece of equipment, or product system, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of children with disabilities Behavior Intervention Plan - a plan to address challenging behaviors; it addresses both the source of the behavior and techniques to deal with the behavior so that the student can manage the behavior more appropriately Case Manager - the license staff member who coordinates a student's IEP or IFSP and sees that it is carried out. This person is the first point of contact for any issues, questions or concerns Consent - means that you say "yes." Consent means that you understand and agree in writing to the activity that is being requested, such as an evaluation or an IEP/IFSP Curriculum - the coursework being taught Direct Service - special education service provided directly to the student Evaluation - student assessments and observations used to determine the eligibility of the student for special education services FAPE - free appropriate public education as mandated by Federal Law FBA - systematic behavior assessment that identifies challenging behaviors then determines factors precipitating those behaviors IDEA-97 - The Individuals with Disabilities Act is the federal special education law that defines the rights of the student with disabilities IEP - an individualized educational program is a written document for a student ages 3 up to 21. It describes the special education and related services necessary for a student with a disability to receive a free appropriate public education IEP TEAM - the group of people responsible for defining a student's education plan. The Team must include: • A parent • A representative of the district who is authorized to assign resources • At least one of the student's special education teachers • At least one of the student's regular education teachers There may be more team members as appropriate IFSP - an Individual Family Service Plan is for children in Early Childhood Special Education (birth through age 2) IIIP - Individual Interagency Intervention Plan (IIIP) coordinates school and community services for students from age 3 to 21 Inclusion - students with disabilities are educated with their peers in a general education setting Indirect Service - consultation among team members to develop methodology to support goals on an IEP Intervention - before a child receives a special education evaluation a 4 - 6 week period of interventions are implemented and documented LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) - the educational setting that provides an appropriate program, including special supports needed for the student, so that the student spends as much time as possible in a typical student environment Modification - a change that alters the rigor of the curriculum PCA (Personal Care Attendant) - a staff person hired by the family to help a child learn skills so he or she can be more independent at home or in the community Referral Review Team - The referral review team will receive a referral when interventions have been unsuccessful. The team will determine if an evaluation is warranted and what areas need to be evaluated Related Services - support services provided that are related to a child's disability for example: occupational therapy, physical therapy and adaptive physical education Respite Care - occasional county or private childcare to support the family Resource Room - a student may receive his or her special education and related services in the resource room located outside of the regular education setting Special Education - instruction specially designed to meet the unique needs of a student with disabilities, at no cost to parent(s) ________________________________________ ACRONYMS ADA Americans with Disabilities Act ADD Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder DAPE Adaptive Physical Education ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder AT Assistive Technology BIP Behavior Intervention Plan CAPD Central Auditory Processing Disorder DB Deaf-blind DCD Developmental Cognitive Disorder D/HH Deaf/Hard of Hearing EBD Emotional Behavioral Disorder ECSE Early Childhood Special Education ESY Extended School Year FAPE Free appropriate public education FBA Functional behavioral assessment GT Gifted and Talented HI Hearing Impaired IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Act IEP Individual Education Plan IFSP Individualized Family Service Plan LD Learning Disability LEP Limited English proficient NCLB No Child Left Behind Act OCD Obsessive compulsive disorder ODD Oppositional defiant disorder OT Occupational therapy/therapist PACER Parent advocacy coalition for educational rights center PCA Personal care attendant PDD Pervasive development disorder PDD-NOS Pervasive development disorder - not otherwise specified PLEP Present Level of Educational Performance PRE-K Pre Kindergarten PT Physical therapy/therapist Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973, illegal for organization to Discriminate against a person solely on basis of disability SI Speech impaired SLD Specific learning disability SLP Speech-language pathologist SPED Special Education SSI Social Security Act TBI Traumatic brain injury VI Visually impaired WISC-R Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children - Revised WISC - IV Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children - Version IV |